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What To Eat After A C-Section For A Fast Recovery

Suzzie Vehrs

Hello, new mama! Congratulations on your recent surgical birth or your upcoming one – bringing a new life into the world is truly an incredible journey. One that changes us inside and out.

As you embark on this post-birth chapter, it’s completely normal to feel like your body and life have undergone a significant shift. Rest assured, healing is on the horizon, and there’s a bright and beautiful lifetime ahead of you.

Now, let’s talk about something crucial: the role of food in your recovery after a C-section. Can your diet really make a difference in how quickly you fully and deeply recover? Absolutely! What you eat in the days and weeks following the surgery can be a game-changer for your healing, energy levels, and overall wellness.

In this post, we’ll dive into the world of post-C-section nutrition and explore the nourishing foods that can help you recover swiftly and thrive as you embrace those precious early moments with your newborn. From supporting tissue healing and reducing inflammation to keeping your energy up and aiding in breastfeeding, your dietary choices are a powerful tool in your journey to recovery.

What To Eat Immediately After Birth To Start Regaining Energy

Surgery is no small thing for your body to go through. After surgery, many moms are surprised to find that even if they fasted and felt hungry enough to eat an elephant before their surgery, they feel weak, nauseous and tired after with an appetite that has vanished. While uncomfortable, this is normal. And foods that are extraordinarily gentle and easy to digest become a priority.

Did you know that even in the most uncomplicated surgical birth, a mother loses twice the amount of blood as compared to a vaginal birth? That’s a fact. In a typical vaginal delivery, a mother can anticipate a loss of around 500 ml (or roughly half a quart) of blood. On the other hand, the average blood loss during a cesarean section hovers at approximately 1,000 ml (equivalent to one quart). That’s like giving blood twice in one day. To compound matters, undergoing a C-section elevates the risk of hemorrhaging – a situation involving even more significant blood loss.

This is a fundamental reason why, following childbirth, especially via surgery, it’s quite common for mothers to experience sensations of weakness, nausea, fatigue, and perhaps a touch of dizziness or lightheadedness, leaving them generally feeling unwell.

Your main priorities for the first hours and meals after a surgical birth are simple foods, that are easy to digest, that won’t cause gas or throwing up and that will help you regain energy, rebuild your blood supply and give your body nutrients to heal the wound you have at your surgical site. The key here is to go slow and build up.

The Best Foods For the Hours After Surgery

Bone Broth

Bone broth may be one of the most ideal post surgery foods out there. Not only is it warm and soothing, but it can actually support your healing.

It is nutrient-dense, providing essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids crucial for tissue repair and immune function. Rich in collagen, bone broth supports the body’s healing process and helps strengthen connective tissues.

Its gentle nature makes it easy to digest, which is particularly beneficial when the digestive system may be sensitive after surgery. Bone broth’s anti-inflammatory properties may help modulate the body’s response to surgical trauma, and its hydrating qualities aid in post-surgical recovery.

Pro Tip: Make sure to get a bone broth that is high in protein – not a broth that is mainly salt and fake flavoring. We like this one. Stick a box in your hospital bag so you can have something healing within the first couple hours after surgery.

Avocado Toast

Avocado toast is simple and easy to digest. Plus, it packs a nutritional punch.

Avocado toast is an ideal food option after surgery for several reasons. Avocado is packed with essential nutrients like vitamins K, C, B6, and folate, along with minerals such as potassium, which are crucial for supporting the body’s healing processes and bolstering the immune system. Its healthy monounsaturated fats provide lasting energy and help with cellular repair, vital for tissue regeneration. Whole-grain bread adds dietary fiber, promoting digestion and alleviating potential post-surgery constipation. This is a simple meal you can likely order from the hospital kitchen that will get you nutrients, energy and aid in recovery post surgery.

Warm Soup Or Cooked Grains (Like Oatmeal)

Depending on when you give birth, opt for simple meals like a simple bowl of oatmeal or a warm soup.

Warm whole food soups can be incredibly beneficial for post-surgical birth recovery due to their inherent anti-inflammatory properties. These soups, often prepared with fresh ingredients like vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, contain a plethora of nutrients, such as antioxidants and phytonutrients, which actively combat inflammation in the body.

The warmth of these soups can soothe and comfort, while their nourishing qualities help support tissue repair and overall healing. By reducing inflammation, they contribute to a less painful recovery process and can facilitate the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Moreover, soups are very easy for your body to digest! Since one of our goals is NOT THROWING UP the days after surgery, this is a great benefit. Warm soups are a great go to in the initial stages of post-surgical recovery.

What To Eat After A C-Section For A Fast Recovery: Day 1-5

In the initial phase of healing following a C-section, which we call “inflammation,” your body goes into action mode! It pumps extra blood to the wound site, making it appear slightly reddish, warm, and a bit swollen. Special white blood cells rush in, sweeping away unwanted intruders, including bacteria. You will probably experience some discomfort, and now and then, your body might even turn up the heat a bit to fend off potential infections. Swelling is normal as while blood clots form to stop any bleeding. Think of it as the opening chapter in your body’s extraordinary journey of healing, setting the stage for tissue repair and the formation of your healing scar.

So, what foods can support you during this healing phase?

  • Calcium and Vitamin K: These help with clotting and can be found in dark leafy green veggies, avocados, meat, and dairy.
  • Vitamin A helps regulate inflammation during wound healing by supporting the body’s immune response and controlling the release of inflammatory molecules. Sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, kale, and mangoes are rich sources of vitamin A.
  • Vitamin E: This vitamin aids in reducing inflammation and stabilizing cell walls and can be found in almonds, avocado, spinach, and various seeds.
  • Protein: Think of protein as your healing companion during this stage. It boosts your immune system by producing antibodies, helps regulate your body’s response, and assists in collagen formation for tissue repair. Additionally, it acts as a delivery driver for essential nutrients and helps maintain proper oxygen levels, crucial for your healing process.

Favorite Recipes For The First Days Of Healing From Surgery

If you are looking for a few simple and healing recipes for what to eat after a c-section for either yourself or a loved one – check these out! They have lots of nutrients needed for healing and protein.

Avocado, Spinach & Lime Soup

Candied Almonds For A Treat

Ginger Sweet Potato Kale Stew

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What To Eat After A C-Section For A Fast Recovery: Day 5-20

After about 5 days, your recovery will change quite a bit. You’ve made it through the inflammation stage of wound healing to the proliferation stage of wound healing. During this phase, your body is like a bustling construction site, with an army of worker cells called fibroblasts moving in to repair and rebuild. They’re like the builders, laying down the framework for your healing. These cells produce collagen, a special protein that forms the foundation of your new tissue.

As your body reconstructs the wounded area, you may notice some changes. The wound will gradually become less red and swollen, and it may even start to itch a bit. This is a sign of healing in progress! While itching is to be expected, if you have a fever, pain is getting worse or your scar looks gooey – it could be infected. If you have any questions at all about this, call your doctor ASAP.

Your body is also busy creating new blood vessels, ensuring that the wound gets all the oxygen and nutrients it needs to thrive. This increased blood flow helps speed up the healing process.

So, what foods can support you during this healing phase?

  • Vitamin B Complex: There are 8 types of B vitamins that each play a part in the body’s healing process. They support your metabolic rate and assist with cell proliferation. This is a fundamental biological process that plays a crucial role in growth, tissue repair, and maintenance of the body. Slow cooked meat, salmon, milk, eggs and leafy greens are all excellent sources of the B vitamins.
  • Lipids And Fatty Acids play vital roles in wound healing by providing energy and serving as essential building blocks for the regeneration of epidermal and dermal tissues. They are also crucial for cell membrane synthesis and the construction of the intracellular matrix. Some essential fatty acids, like linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids, must be obtained through the diet as the body cannot produce them independently. Think Salmon, nuts and seeds, avocado, nut butters, dairy, eggs and dark chocolate for these.
  • Zinc plays a crucial role in cell proliferation and is essential for the process of tissue regeneration when the wound is in the rebuilding phase. Most foods that provide lipid will also provide zinc. Think beef, nuts, seeds – especially pumpkin or sunflower seeds, milk, eggs and dark chocolate.
  • Iron: While we commonly associate iron with preventing anemia, its significance extends further. Iron plays a vital role in optimizing tissue perfusion, a critical factor in the healing process. Additionally, it contributes to collagen synthesis, sourced from foods like red meat, fortified cereals, teas like chamomile and hibiscus, and green vegetables. An iron deficiency can hinder collagen crosslinking and weaken wound strength, highlighting its importance in wound healing.

Favorite Recipes For The First Weeks Of Healing From Surgery

If you are looking for a few simple and healing recipes for what to eat after a c-section for either yourself or a loved one – check these out! They have lots of nutrients needed for healing and protein.

Honey Sriracha Salmon Bowls

No-Bake Oatmeal Energy Balls

Slow Cooker Chipotle Beef Burrito Bowls

What To Eat After A C-Section For A Fast Recovery: Day 20+

In the epithelialization and remodeling phase of wound healing after a C-section, the focus shifts to rebuilding and strengthening the newly formed tissue. During epithelialization, specialized skin cells called keratinocytes migrate across the wound, creating a protective barrier. Collagen, which provides structural support, is continuously produced and rearranged in the remodeling phase, helping the scar tissue mature and regain strength. This phase can extend over several months, and while the wound may appear healed externally, the internal tissues continue to undergo changes, ultimately resulting in a more resilient scar. Proper nutrition, including vitamins, minerals, and protein, is crucial during this phase to support collagen production and tissue maturation for optimal healing.

So, what foods can support you during this healing phase?

  • Vitamin C is essential for wound healing as it plays a key role in collagen synthesis, a structural protein crucial for tissue repair. Additionally, it acts as an antioxidant, protecting the wound site from oxidative stress, which can hinder the healing process. Think oranges, strawberries, kiwi, broccoli or hibiscus or rose hips tea.
  • Vitamin E: is again important in this stage of healing. Continue to eat avocados, leafy greens and nuts and seeds.
  • Zinc: continues to be important. Nuts and seeds, milk, eggs, and dark chocolate.
  • Protein: continues to be important for healing and cell creation. Look for it in whole food sources – such as nut butters, meat, dairy and salmon.

Favorite Recipes For The First Weeks Of Healing From Surgery

If you are looking for a few simple and healing recipes for what to eat after a c-section for either yourself or a loved one – check these out! They have lots of nutrients needed for healing and protein.

Energizing Vitamin-C Fruit Smoothie

Creamed Spinach With Baked Eggs

Cozy Wild Rice and Orzo Chicken Soup

What To Eat After A C-Section For A Fast Recovery TL/DR

In conclusion, the journey of recovery after a C-section is undoubtedly a significant one, marked by resilience, strength, and the joy of welcoming a new life into the world. Your body, which has worked miracles, deserves the very best care during this time. As we’ve explored in this guide, the power of nourishment can’t be overstated. By choosing foods that support tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and provide you with the energy and nutrients you need, you are giving yourself the greatest gift: a faster, more robust recovery.

As you add foods to your diet, prioritize foods that won’t make you nauseous or gassy. And add back stronger foods in phases.

  1. Bone Broth
  2. Avocado Toast or Oatmeal
  3. Soups With Cooked Vegetables and Meat
  4. Eggs
  5. Nut Butters + Seeds
  6. Return To A Well Balanced Diet Seeking Half Your Plate Veggies + 1/4 Carbs + 1/4 Protein

So, as you savor those nourishing meals, remember that each bite is a testament to your commitment to healing and embracing the precious moments with your newborn. Your journey is remarkable, and with the right nutrition, you’re on your way to a healthier, happier tomorrow.

Make A Full Recovery Post C-Section

If you are planning for a c-section or just had a c-section, you probably have a lot of questions. Before you go, check out our other guides on giving birth by surgery and healing from your surgical birth.

What To Do The Night Before A C-Section

What To Expect In Your C-Section Procedure Step By Step

Your First Shower After A C-Section

What To Eat After A C-Section For A Quick Recovery

C-Section Recovery The Week By Week Guide

C-Section Recovery: The A-Z Guide

The Ultimate C-Section Recovery Kit

Breastfeeding After A C-Section

When Can I Bend Again After A C-Section?

C-Section Scar Itching

C-Section Pooch

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